People with diabetes should avoid daily life-Liaoning Boao Bio Harmaceutical Co., Ltd.
Getting up; alert to dawn high blood sugar
During the day and the rest of the night blood glucose is relatively stable, but every morning blood glucose is very high, is often referred to as the dawn phenomenon, diabetic patients in this situation, should promptly go to the hospital to check and adjust the medication under the guidance of the doctor.
Diabetes combined with high blood pressure should wake up early in the morning to take medication, such patients should be the first thing after getting up to take antihypertensive drugs, and then do other things in order to avoid early morning blood pressure rise and cause cardiovascular and cerebrovascular complications.
Master the correct time to take, if the time to take drugs is not correct, the sentence may not be able to play the effect of lowering sugar, sulfonylureas should be taken before meals, biguanide is a hydrochloride preparation, can be stimulated by the gastrointestinal tract, it is appropriate to take after meals, the glucoside mold inhibitors can only be taken with the first meal in order to produce the effect of lowering glucose, suitable for patients with postprandial blood glucose elevation.
Wash with warm water: diabetics should use warm water to wash, often with high temperature hot water to soak hands, tub baths and other easy to induce complications of diabetes.
Brush your teeth before and after meals: diabetics and easily infected periodontal disease. Should pay attention to oral hygiene. Brush your teeth before and after meals every day and pay attention to keeping your mouth clean.
Avoid unauthorized cessation of medication, unauthorized cessation of medication will cause a sudden rise in blood glucose, diabetic ketoacidosis, or even coma and life-threatening, so the patient should be strictly in accordance with the doctor's requirements of the method and dosage of adherence to the medication, in order to reduce or avoid the adverse effects.
Avoid constipation, diabetics often have hypertension, atherosclerosis and other symptoms, and constipation is not favorable to these diseases.